Tuesday, December 1, 2009


It has been somehow on my heart lately how much of a Negative Nancy I have become. What do you do when you have realized that you fester on all the things that go wrong, all those things that are not working, all that which is broken? Fix your heart on those things that are good, true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, praiseworthy....

1. My thanksgiving was a hit! Great Food. Amazing Friends. Beautiful Weather!
2. I only had to work until 12 o clock today.
3. Bethany and I spent all afternoon together. Gossip. Advise. Coffee. Cookies.

4. I love my brother enough to miss him like crazy now that he is not here.
5. My mom and I can disagree but are quick to admit wrongdoing and extend grace/forgiveness
6. My mom always supports me as much as she can
7. I have a job, and a job that will generously accommodate my upcoming school schedule
8. I have a boyfriend that pushes me to expand my bubble of comfort. (as much as I hate it sometimes)
9. Whenever I think about John Stager I smile.
10. I get to read about adventures my brother is entangling himself in almost daily. And I am reminded how much I long for something to challenge me like he is being challenged.
11. I own my car (and all the new noises it makes)
12. The dogs are finally being quiet... not a peep from either one of them
13. My cold has finally surrendered to my immune system.
14. I am reading two books at once
15. I really love my church. The music is great. The sermons are thoughtful and penetrating. The coffee is hot.
16. I finally switched to gmail.
17. Apparently I feel good enough about my microbiology class to procrastinate studying for my final another night.
18. It didn't rain today and my feet stayed dry all day.
19. Jacob Zuma is going to take an HIV/AIDS test "soon" to promote AIDS awareness day.
20. I am seriously contemplating bed at 930 on a tuesday. Shower first maybe.
21. There are so many generous people out there
22. Its 40 degrees outside and I have a warm bed to sleep in.
23. Its 40 degrees outside and I can get in a warm shower before climbing into a warm bed.

well, its a sad little list... but I suppose I got to start somewhere.